
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Living Life with Purpose and Authenticity

For the past year I've been reading, listening, studding, gaining knowledge and doing my best to live my life with more purpose and Authenticity. I have learned tolerance, patience and to Let Go and Let God more than ever before.  As I rapidly approach the big 5  0, I find myself reminiscing and pondering the life I have lived so far. And the mark I will leave upon this earth when I'm gone. And I have learned I am not alone in this quest for the answers to a meaningful life. How could I be, There is so much information out there, I couldn't be the first person to wonder WHY.

     I have come to realize my life has been like this path that you see above, I have walked along it not knowing where it will take me, but, knowing for sure that I had to keep walking on. Hoping that if I make the right choices and follow my heart It will undoubtedly lead me to where I need to be and at the right moment.
     I do believe in the sacred contracts that we make before incarnating. You know it, the one where we choose this life we live. I know why would we choose such things for ourselves, the pain, gilt, despair the list goes on. But I also believe  you are given 2 choices in every situation and everyone has free will and that can change the outcome of the situation.  I have come to also realize that never once was I left alone to find my way, but I was gently guided down the path, and when I fought with resistance and went my own way I was followed and never left alone. And those wrong choices were made right somehow someway.  I had no knowledge of this guidance however, and it would have been very helpful if the voices were louder so I could hear them loud and clear and save myself the pain of finding  out the hard way.

I started this quest within the walls of my small community Church where my husband and I go to worship.  It's a beautiful Historical country Church, White with the Red doors, the bell in the steeple and the Balcony over looking the sanctuary that could hold 200 but on most Sundays only holds to 90 to 120.  Each person with a different story to tell and all their for different reasons, I'm sure.

I found myself still asking the question what is my purpose in this life and how can I live with Authenticity. What am I supposed to learn while I'm here and what would make me happy, I mean truly happy and satisfied. With that I  found myself searching the internet, (like the answer would be there waiting for me to find it)  I found Hay House which is full of inspirational speakers and all the self help information one could want. I would tune in every week to catch Dr. Wayne Dyer , Louse Hay,

Along with these others Colette Baron-Reid, Denise Linn, Caroline Myss, John Holland, Debbie Ford, Lisa Williams, Sylvia Browne and Cheryl Richardson. I downloaded  Marianne Williamson's, Dr. Dyers, Lousie Hay's and many more books on my MP3 so on my travels hunting for those great vintage treasures and on long trips I could  gain more awareness and multitask at the same time.
     I've listened to and really tried to understand the concept of Esther & Jerry Hicks, but must say I just don't get the whole Abraham thing at all I bought the book The Secret . Which I have since sold on Ebay. But am still trying with some success to manifest the things I desire.

I came across another radio talk show,  Contact Talk Radio and enjoy Listening to Livin on a Prayer with Michele Morgan, Intuitive with Jamie Roth,, Finding Your Soul's Path & Staying the Course with Rev. Maxi Harper, Adventures in Density & Effort with Joan Newcomb  and Create Change Now with Cari L Murphy All are great shows and fun topics. But still the quest continues......

Here are a few affirmations that have helped me along the way:
  • I use my maturity and wisdom to recognize the Truth.
  •  There is a divine plan for my life and the divine plan is unfolding for me now.
  •  God show me the divine plan for my life.
  • In a relaxed and easy manner I have all the money required for business, personal and more.  The Universe has a constant flow of financial abundance filling my accounts in every second of the day, every day of the week, and every week of the year. 
I have taken guided meditation classes, searched out physics and intuitive to guide me in my quest for my life's purpose. And to learn more about myself and my life past and present.  I Dove into past life aggression therapy, Dream analysis , Tarot Cards, Aura readings, Chakras, Crystals . The Fairy Rhelm, I believe in Ghost's and life after death. And my all time favorite is getting to know the Angels and Arch Angels

I have thought about Numerology and Astronomy but Couldn't bring myself to open those books.

      I have joined an area group so I can be with like minded people from time to time, that let me tell you are hard to find in my neck of the woods.
I have the book Simple Abundance A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach within arms distance of my work space. A keepsake box of Crystals if I need them, My new Yin and Yang sculptures that I just purchased from the digital image of spirit of the spring woodlands that I also purchased from an Etsy shop and the picture of Jesus hanging on the wall all give me inspiration and hope.

So as you can see I've done the research, I have sought out the knowledge. It all seems so overwhelming when I look at it all written down like this.  And wonder how in the world did I find the time.

So what have I learned in this 12 month quest, as I take a deep breath and sigh I guess the answer is as long and involved as the journey itself.

     After all of this I have learned I started searching years ago long before I started the quest. It all comes back to treating the Universe with respect and the understanding that we are only here temporarily, to learn what we need to learn before we are reincarnated back home. We are here to give what we can not to take what we can.

     What it comes down to for me, is my belief in God and the Holy Trinity. And also aware that we are not alone. God did not put us here to walk alone or to walk without purpose. He gave us tools for our journey to use and to call upon the angels when we need guidance.  Each of us has a God given right to find the answer for ourselves within ourselves. And sometimes you just have to believe and Let Go and Let God.

The Universe will always answer you back but you must be open for the answers.
I know God will never leave me alone and is always walking with me softly whispering in my ear and giving me the courage to move forward.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Monday, April 19, 2010

In Celebration of Earth Day. We can all learn a lot from trees, if only we take the time to listen.


Shimmering moonlight
gently touches the bare arms
of a rich novel, a sea of stories.
A hundred years of memories are held
In the palm of its oak hand,
where in a garden of ash it grew.
Fierce winter gusts nip at the brittle bark.
Beneath, sap of sorrow
lie frozen in the sleeping veins that once
carried a river of sweet candy
to its now frost bitten limbs of gold.
Miles of endless roots stretch far beyond
buried secrets that keep
it firmly planted, solid and immovable
in the dead ground, beneath the surface,
and soiled by the decay of time.
It's so hard to believe
that all of this
came from nothing more than
an anonymous, fragile
child of green: a tiny seed.

By Terrah Coon

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Trickery I tell ya!

It's April 17th, I know already, you don't need to remind me that it's still early in Upstate New York to think that the cold and snow is gone out of the forecast. But for the past 2 day's I have taken advantage of the warm temperatures and the sunshine. I have been wearing tank tops and flip flops and Yes, I started rototiller my vegetable garden and weeding my perennial garden. And I have all the aches and pains to prove it.  I even went as far as to buy a Basil Plant yesterday, I couldn't resist the sweet smell and the dark green fresh leaves. I knew however I would have to bring it in every  night and place it in the sun each day. Baby it sort of speak.

It started raining last night and was still drizzling this morning when I woke up so I figured I've worked hard for a few days and good use some sit down time at my computer working in my Etsy shop and tweeting with friends.  As I was sitting here and working online, I looked out the window and, and I can hardly say the words, it's snowing.  The realization of where I live and what month it is came rushing back to me, I feel the song birds are feeling it too by the way they are shouting outside my window. It's Trickery I tell ya, Trickery.

So I am posting these photo's of my spring gardens and hoping that the fresh new buds on the apple and lilac trees will not perish in these colder than yesterday temperatures.