The winner of the October Giveaway is Diane Miguel.. and the crowd goes wild...... Thank You Diane for Entering the giveaway and for sharing your Wonderful Heart felt Holiday Memories. I will be contacting you soon.

Welcome to Nimble's Nook ... Nimble is my little fairy friend that tags along with me on my Vintage Shopping adventures. We Enjoying Life searching for Vintage Treasures. Along the way we Celebrate Life by enjoying memories of Yesterday and making new memories along the way. This blog is where you will be a witness to some of those adventures. I have been selling on Etsy since 2009,so please visit Nimblesnook on Etsy to discover items from days gone by.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
October Giveaway, Please enter to WIN......
You could be the winner of this cute little Vintage Candle Angel. It has never been burnt. She is old and is showing some age.
I'm also giving away a $15.00 Gift Certificate to be used in my Etsy Shop for Merchandise. Winner must pay shipping charges
Also it cannot be used with any other sale offer.
She's bigger than a Lemon
So Please enter to win both items and Enjoy the Holiday's.
1- Follow this BLOG
2- Follow my Facebook fan page - - Just make a mention that you entered the October Giveaway.
3- Leave a short Note here in the comment section and let us know, What the Holidays mean to you - Don't forget to leave your contact info too so I'll be able to reach you to let you know YOU WON!
4. It always helps to Tweet, Pin or Stumble.
Giveaway will End on October 31, 2013
Good Luck Everyone
Blessings from
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Autumn in New York requires a Trip to the Fly Creek Cider Mill
The Fly Creek Cider Mill is in Fly Creek New York only a couple miles outside of Cooperstown.
It was a beautiful day, the perfect day to escape for a few hours.
I love the small awnings over the windows and the welcoming bench to sit on.
And the babbling brook that runs along side.
I love the Flag flying High and Proud.
We were amazed that hanging basket was still so full of flowers.
The guys enjoyed the Tractor Display.
The inside of the Store was full of tasty Treats and you could sample most of them.
The Cider Press was up and running....
Grinding up the Apples into the barrels so they can be pressed into Cider. The press is in the back, 5 layers of white sheets put together and pressed.
This guy was sending the apples up the conveyer belt to be ground up
It was a day to remember and a Fun time by all......
It was a beautiful day, the perfect day to escape for a few hours.
I love the small awnings over the windows and the welcoming bench to sit on.
And the babbling brook that runs along side.
I love the Flag flying High and Proud.
We were amazed that hanging basket was still so full of flowers.
The guys enjoyed the Tractor Display.
The inside of the Store was full of tasty Treats and you could sample most of them.
The Cider Press was up and running....
Grinding up the Apples into the barrels so they can be pressed into Cider. The press is in the back, 5 layers of white sheets put together and pressed.
This guy was sending the apples up the conveyer belt to be ground up
It was a day to remember and a Fun time by all......
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
September is over and the Winner of the Giveaway is Clenna. I want to Thank Everyone for entering and please come by and try again. I will be announcing the October giveaway soon.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
September GIVEAWAY
This Month I am offering this Adorable Wooden Box and Vintage Handkerchief
Both Items are from my Collection of Goodies
The top of the Faded Green Box is a Painted Tile. The Hinges and Latch.
Please enter to win by following the easy steps at the bottom of this post.
1- Follow this BLOG
2- Follow my Facebook fan page - - Just make a mention that you entered Septembers Giveaway.
3- Leave your contact info below in the comment section so I'll be able to reach you to let you know YOU WON!
Giveaway will End on September 30, 2013
Good Luck Everyone
Blessings from
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Can't believe Labor Day Weekend is already here
Seems it was just a few days ago the snow melted to reveal the Crocuses and Daffodils. Here it is Labor Day weekend and our 22 year Anniversary I might add, and the Golden Rod is in full bloom and the Green Houses are loaded with Potted Mums for the Fall Decorating. My husband had these awesome flowers delivered to me at work yesterday with a hand written note too. Sweet Guy
I enjoyed the 1/2 Price perennial Sale at my local Green House yesterday. I filled the back of my Escape with them all.
They are the ones on the stone wall under the window. I had hopes of planting them today but it decided to rain here in Central New York. Giving Thanks this is a long weekend so I have a few more days. My Husband completed a task this morning before the rain came, a much needed fence to hold up all the rose buses I planted, they're deadly when you try to walk by them or mow.
I enjoyed the 1/2 Price perennial Sale at my local Green House yesterday. I filled the back of my Escape with them all.
They are the ones on the stone wall under the window. I had hopes of planting them today but it decided to rain here in Central New York. Giving Thanks this is a long weekend so I have a few more days. My Husband completed a task this morning before the rain came, a much needed fence to hold up all the rose buses I planted, they're deadly when you try to walk by them or mow.
This garden is where I will be planting all of the new plants I bought yesterday, I have a feeling the garden is going to be growing.
My husband also secured this metal bucket for the garden hose next to my outside shower. (only used to wash the mud off after working in the garden) Now with the garden hose wrapped up the water will be able to be warmed by the sun so It's not always a cold shower. Before the bucket the hose was just laying on the ground. And the bucket will also hold the sponge and stuff needed for washing the vehicles/mowers/ATV's....
Well that's whats happened around here in the past 24 hours.
NOTICE: I will be announcing the September Giveaway this weekend so Please stay tuned and come on over and enter to win what ever it may be.
Monday, June 17, 2013
There are Never to many Rainbows.....
It's been raining in these parts for awhile now, seems it rains everyday around here, there is so much water coming out of the ground I can't walk to my Garden without hip waders on (OK I'm being overly dramatic) But it's really wet, I can hear it flowing down the hill under the dirt, Know Really I can.
A few things that have benefited from all the water around here are all the plants and Oh yes all the weed, which are tecnically plants only unwanted ones. I haven't been able or had the desire to kneel in my garden to pull them.
I work full time so as luck would have it when I clock out it rains. The sun could be shinning all day but when I clock out to go home the clouds roll in.
But, I must say I've enjoyed the Rainbows. There have been plenty of them. And I can't help but smile when ever I seen one.
Well I hope after reading this post your day is a little brighter.
Judy and Nimble
A few things that have benefited from all the water around here are all the plants and Oh yes all the weed, which are tecnically plants only unwanted ones. I haven't been able or had the desire to kneel in my garden to pull them.
I work full time so as luck would have it when I clock out it rains. The sun could be shinning all day but when I clock out to go home the clouds roll in.
But, I must say I've enjoyed the Rainbows. There have been plenty of them. And I can't help but smile when ever I seen one.
SO, I Thought I'd celebrate all the Rainbows by showing you some
that I found on Etsy.
Well I hope after reading this post your day is a little brighter.
Judy and Nimble
Friday, May 24, 2013
I took my camera along for my walk a couple days ago, that's when it actually felt like a spring day in NY. Today it feels more like a damp fall day, I just turned the furnace on to take the chill out of here so we can take showers.
We have a full weekend planned, I decided to take the day off to get the holiday weekend started. We are off to visit friends in Binghamton for Lunch and then to visit my Niece's Grave to place a cross we made for her. 20 years and I still miss her.
I'm hoping the sun comes out today to make the travel time more enjoyable but if not it will still be a day full of Blessings,Smiles and Memories.
I sure hope your day brings you many Blessings, Smiles and Memories as well.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Bruce took the dogs for a walk up on the hill and I said I'd mow my Garden paths. He took over when he came back (Thank You God) and I came in the house for a drink. And there was this balloon sitting on the table. I picked it up and wondered where it came from, actually I was looking for the flowers or candy that should have been attached to it. LOL
When Bruce was done he explained he was on top of the hill and he saw this balloon floating. It started down through the trees and headed right for him so he reached out and grabbed it. Both of the dogs saw it floating down, Trooper smelled it but wasn't interested. The older dog Kaiser (who can't see or hear well anymore) Bit it, thinking it was a bird I guess (so it's got a slow leak).
Me, being the kind of person that believes in signs and that there are no coincidences in life thinks its a message from someone. Maybe it's a sign from Bruce's mother. Or maybe I'm supposed to post this story on FB for someone who is missing someone so much it's unbearable at times. And this is a sign from that special someone who has crossed over sending there LOVE back down to YOU, and Bruce and I are just the messengers here.
I'm sure the answer will be revealed soon, we just need to pay attention and believe.
So Happy Mothers Day to you who ever you are.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Glass Flowers for my April Giveaway
Please enter to win this months giveaway, see details at the bottom.
The box is in good shape |
They are all glass even the stem and leaf. |
In bloom all year long |
To ENTER please follow the easy steps below.
1- Follow this blog
2- Follow my Facebook fan page & say HI to let me know you entered this giveaway.
3- Follow me on Twitter and Mention this Giveaway
4- Favorite an item from my shop you like and comment HERE.
5 - Leave your contact info so I'll be able to reach you to let you know YOU WON
6 - Pin or Stumble this Giveaway
Giveaway will End on April 30th, 2013
Good Luck Everyone
Blessings from
Judy and Nimble
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Congratulations to Stephanie Hastie ... I will be shipping your beautiful candy dish in a couple days. Thanks Everyone for entering, Please try again next month...
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The nerve of some people
I told her that I wouldn't except anything less than what I was asking and we couldn't deliver it for nothing. She than said that would be fine, so what are we talking then, $500 for the table and $25 to deliver (my add said nothing about delivery the table) I then said NO I'm asking $525. plus the delivery. She said well that's fine, let me talk to my husband and I'll get back to you, that's when I said that I have someone coming tomorrow night to look at it (NOT) so she then said OK I'll call you back tomorrow night to see what happened.
Well OK I said.
I'm sure hoping someone else needs a beautiful Farmhouse Table to Love and Enjoy inside there home.
Because I was so taken back today I have to share what happened with all of you.
Yesterday I made a decision to sell my Farmhouse Harvest Table. I've been kicking the thought around for about 1 year now, you see I love my table. I mean I adore it. I've had this table for about 6 yrs now and I still admire it when I pass by. It's nothing fancy, it has it's flaws, but I love the distressed and primitive look. It has square nails and wide boards.
We are having new flooring installed on Tuesday in my Office and Bedroom. And I realized I need more space and as you can see the table is really to big for my dinning room since we had the wood stove installed.
So anyway; I listed my table on Craigslist Friday, a very popular site in these parts. I received a call on Saturday from a very nice lady that said her and her husband would like to take a drive down to see the table on Sunday. I said we would be available after Church around 11:30 a.m.
These are the actual pictures I posted on Craigslist so they knew what the table looked like.
Anyway they were here at 11:30. My husband and I welcomed them into our home and could see that obviously they were from the City and not used to the country roads or the un-shoveled walk to the door. (we go through the garage to the house) They were very friendly and happy with the way the table looked and said the pictures and description was perfect.
Here is comes, the husband thought that maybe it was to much money to spend on a table to keep on the patio (WHAT - You can imagine my face when I heard that) The wife however loved it and thought it would be perfect for what they needed it for. I could tell she's been reading magazines like Martha Stewart, Country Home or Southern Living. They both looked the table over very well and marveled at the distressed and primitive look and even noticed the square nails.
I asked if it would be under cover and out of the weather, they replied no they don't have a roof over their patio. I then said that it might be able to take 3 to 4 months of being out in the elements but would need to be protected the other months of the year.
Oh, they said they didn't have a place to store it and was also a little concerned about spending that kind of money on something that would be destroyed in a short period of time. (WHAT - DESTROYED, your talking about my beloved table here.)
They left after about 15 min's and said they wouldn't be able to decide right now, but the wife said she will be having a long discussion with her husband on the drive back home and really wants the table.
On one hand I want to sell the table so I can have more room and the $525.00 that I'm asking for this beauty would be nice too. After they left my Husband said he felt sad to think they would do that to the table, I felt like I would be giving away a pet to a home I knew was going to mistreat it.
Truthfully, I hope they don't call and say they want it, Because I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell them No.
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